Hi, I'm

Riya Mehta

About Me

Hey! I’m Riya, a 16 year old global health innovator, lifelong learner and technology enthusiast on a mission to change the world and solve humanity’s most pressing problems in global health.

I am an artificial intelligence & genomic researcher under the Hospital for Sick Children, where I explore different ways of applying AI in the future of genomics for diseases. Currently innovating the fields of AR/VR, I am developing ways of integrating virtual reality experiences in models for developing countries.

Passionate about the global epidemic for healthcare, I love researching about how we can solve this problem by leveraging emerging technology!


What I've Been Focusing On

AI Research-SickKids

I am so excited to be working with some of the world’s leading experts in AI, global health, genomics and drug discovery within the SickKids research institute.

The Knowledge Society

I’m an innovator at The Knowledge Society, an accelerator program focused on the next generation of change-makers, through emerging technology.

Growth Mindset

Along with developing skills I need to impact billions, I am also focusing on a growth mindset, boss mentality and learning the art of resiliance ✌️.

Building Moonshots

This year I’m focusing on understanding myself better and accelerating the idea of impossible things (or moonshots🚀as I call them) so I can achieve one!

Building Projects

I was able to create some sick projects including bacterial gene editing, DNA cloning & doing research into how neural networks classify diseases!

The World

I am exploring many different industries and the role of technology in each of them, to create powerful intersections and solve some pretty big problems.

A Closer Look Into

My Personal & Core Values


I value ambition alot, as it helps me better hustle and how I'm going to address my goals for the future.


I love having creative thinking sessions where I come up with solutions to big world problems.


I personally surround myself with people who are always true to themselves and honest with who they are.

High Standards

I'm always setting high standards to get things done and put myself in enviornments that allow me to hustle.


Putting yourself in someone else's shoes and better understanding them is a big part of my life.

Brutal Honesty & Feedback

Getting feedback and learning fast is really important, I need to have people being 100% honest with me.


What I've Been Up To

  • All
  • Articles
  • Newsletters
  • Videos
  • The Future Of VR/AR
    Exploring a new reality
  • Living Life Through Moonshots
    My Elevate Experience 2019
  • Building Virtual Hospital Models
    Global Health + Virtual Reality
  • Virtual Reality Introduction
    Building A New Industry
  • Quantum Computing & Smart Technology
    A New Era
  • September
    Monthly Newsletter
  • Biophotonics for Curing Cancer
    Redefining Medical Treatments
  • Virtual Hospitals
    Redefining Telemedicine

Contact Me!

Available Upon Request
Based in Toronto, Ontario

Drop Me A Line